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"Time management" Blog Posts

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December 5, 2014

Have you Found the Right Balance?

What does work-life balance mean to you? I always find the phrase slightly odd, because it suggests that you have “work” on one side of the scales, your “life” on the other, and that the two are completely separate. But surely they don’t have to be mutually exclusive? What is it they say: that we […]

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November 19, 2014

What's Your Favorite way to Stay Productive?

There seem to be hundreds of articles, infographics and apps around to help us become more productive at work. Since joining Mind Tools, I have personally learned so many useful tricks by editing our Time Management articles, and by reading our fortnightly App Reviews. For example, I now use online tools such as web.any.do to write […]


November 5, 2014

Why Wait? How our Friends Banish Procrastination for Good!

When we asked people on Twitter and Facebook for their #mindtoolstips on beating procrastination a few weeks ago, we received some interesting responses: “I’ll tell you tomorrow!” was a popular one! But – in all seriousness – we received some great suggestions, so thanks to all of our friends who contributed! On Twitter, a good […]

September 1, 2014

Achieve More by Doing Less

Do you feel that you're stretched too thinly? Are you spending too much time working on other people's priorities? If you answered yes to either of these questions, you are not alone. It's not unusual to be busy, but are you busy doing the right things? All too often, people fill their days with commitments, projects […]


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