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"Team development" Blog Posts

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July 1, 2016

How to Lead a Multi-Generational Team

Chances are, you probably work as part of a multi-generational workforce, with colleagues of all ages sharing projects and goals. There's also a good chance that, as a manager, you're overseeing colleagues who are older, and possibly more experienced, than you. But what if you feel (or know) that one of your workmates is not convinced […]

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May 26, 2015

Are Learning Styles Going Out of Style?

How do you learn more quickly and thoroughly? Some say they learn best through hearing and speaking about new concepts. Others prefer visual presentations. Kinesthetic learning is a preferred style for some. That is, they like to touch and get their whole body involved. Is your best learning sequentially (step-by-step) or holistically (examining the big […]

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