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"Productivity" Blog Posts

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June 23, 2015

Wanna Join a Team?

Justin Rosenstein, the co-founder of collaboration software company Asana, wondered, "Why do some teams march in unison and achieve big dreams, while others waste time, get stressed and lose steam? I've found that the answer is clarity." His first requirement is clarity of purpose. Abundant literature and research confirms the immediate need for clarity of […]

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June 19, 2015

Breaking the Ice With Your Virtual Team

I thought this "game" was going to be a waste of time. I already knew my colleagues well, and didn't see the point when we could be getting down to business! But I was wrong.

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May 29, 2015

Tick Tock...

Each person has his or her own particular strengths and skills at work. In the Mind Tools office, for example, we've got expert project managers, inspiring leaders, creative geniuses, finance pros, technology whizzes, and top-notch sales people… to name but a few! Me? I love time management and productivity… and I'm not afraid to admit […]

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February 27, 2015

Think Like a Pro...crastinator

I can honestly say that writing this blog is the best part of my job.  As an editor, I spend much of my time tinkering about with other people’s words to make sure that they’re true to the Mind Tools style. But the blog is my time to write, and a chance to bring a […]

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February 6, 2015

Staying Connected on the Move

A few months ago I was invited to attend a leadership conference in Bristol, U.K. It was an interesting and engaging event where I met some great people - I even wrote a blog post about it, which you can read here, should you wish! I live several hours away from Bristol. So, when the […]


February 3, 2015

You can Achieve Anything you put Your Mind to!

Last Thursday, I attended the second day of the Learning & Technologies Conference 2015 in London and, genuinely, it was the best HR/L&D conference I've been to. One of the highlights for me was the fantastic keynote presentation from scientist and TV presenter Professor Robert Winston. His talk focused on how our ability to learn, memorize and […]

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November 19, 2014

What's Your Favorite way to Stay Productive?

There seem to be hundreds of articles, infographics and apps around to help us become more productive at work. Since joining Mind Tools, I have personally learned so many useful tricks by editing our Time Management articles, and by reading our fortnightly App Reviews. For example, I now use online tools such as to write […]


November 5, 2014

Why Wait? How our Friends Banish Procrastination for Good!

When we asked people on Twitter and Facebook for their #mindtoolstips on beating procrastination a few weeks ago, we received some interesting responses: “I’ll tell you tomorrow!” was a popular one! But – in all seriousness – we received some great suggestions, so thanks to all of our friends who contributed! On Twitter, a good […]

September 1, 2014

Achieve More by Doing Less

Do you feel that you're stretched too thinly? Are you spending too much time working on other people's priorities? If you answered yes to either of these questions, you are not alone. It's not unusual to be busy, but are you busy doing the right things? All too often, people fill their days with commitments, projects […]


May 5, 2014

How Small Changes can Lead to Big Improvements

Are you a thriver, a striver or a struggler? Performance coach Andy Core divides people into these three types, and in his work, he focuses on turning strivers into thrivers. In our Expert Interview podcast (premium members only), he tells me about his new book: "Change Your Day, Not Your Life," and he outlines some of […]

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