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"Problem solving" Blog Posts

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July 25, 2017

How to Problem Solve Creatively – #MTtalk Roundup

"If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change." - Wayne Dyer, author and speaker (1940-2015) About This Week's Chat I've been training in gyms for many years, and I also worked in the fitness industry for a long time. A few months ago I started training at a […]

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April 20, 2017

Ask These 5 Questions Before Making Decisions

Wouldn't it be great if all decisions were a clear choice between right and wrong, good and bad? It would take a minute to decide what to do, and you'd move on to the next one unencumbered by lingering doubts. Sadly, that's not a scenario most managers would recognize. From setting strategic goals to handling […]

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April 5, 2017

#MTtalk: Disrupting the Hierarchy

Many years ago, when computers still had monochrome screens and could only run one program at a time, I worked in the property section of a bank. In those days, banks weren't known as being at the forefront of change. They often lagged behind when it came to changing systems and technology. My (then) husband worked […]

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January 26, 2017

Play Matters When You're Being Creative at Work

Chris Lewis is the founder of one of the world's largest marketing and communications agencies, LEWIS, and he still serves as its CEO. So creativity in the workplace is his bread and butter. He has given a lot of thought to the conditions in which the best ideas emerge – and he’s discovered that there […]

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January 12, 2017

How Can We Make Our Predictions Foolproof?

Nowadays, the pace at which life changes seems faster than ever. Trends come and go, technology changes (almost daily), and don't even get me started on politics! Sometimes it feels as though you need to be able to predict the future just to keep up with all these new changes. You could go on your […]

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December 22, 2016

The Greiner Curve: Will Your Organization Sink or Swim?

What's the key to a successful business? Why do some sink and others swim? Is it just a case of having the right product at the right time? Or is it that the company is good at managing and deflecting crises when they arise? The Greiner Curve is a simple tool that lays out the […]

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November 9, 2016

Improving Decision Making: Techniques, Tools and Tips

I hold my hands up. I'm terrible at decision making. From the most basic to the biggest of decisions, it can take me ages to make my mind up. The Perils of Too Much Choice Yes, it's great to have choice, and we've never had more choice than we do now. But sometimes it can […]


August 31, 2016

Brainstorming: Your Top Tips

Sometimes, it seems like group activities or sessions can suck all the life out of a team. What is it about team meetings that can turn a group of individually brilliant and creative people into a silent, uninspired ideas-vacuum? Perhaps people find team meetings too formal and structured. Maybe group dynamics, office politics, or different […]

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July 28, 2016

Stop and Step Back From the Problem!

      Depending on how you view it, life is but a series of challenges to be overcome... How we approach and deal with these challenges determines the pattern and quality of our lives. Most of us are pretty adept at handling our challenges – the fact that the human race hasn't petered out […]

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July 8, 2016

Lost for Words? Or Cat Got Your Tongue?

Have you ever found yourself lost for words at a time when you needed them desperately? It's easy to think that there's not much "going on upstairs" for those that are sitting silently in your meeting but, often, this is a gross underestimation. There are an infinite number of reasons why a person might be inclined […]

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