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"Pandemic" Blog Posts

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September 18, 2023

Relearning Face-to-Face Skills

For many people, a basic pre-pandemic routine was eat, work, sleep, repeat! They were caught in a rat race, and their employers didn't really care. The goal was to produce, produce, produce!

March 15, 2023

How the Pandemic Changed the Workplace, Three Years On

How did the pandemic affect work? We chart the turbulent changes office workers have faced these last few years and consider what the future holds.

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August 3, 2021

Is Annual Leave Still Leave? – #MTtalk Roundup

Sixty-eight percent of people said they'd been working longer hours while working from home during the pandemic. And, worryingly, 20 percent of people responded, "What does relax mean?"


February 4, 2021

Doomscrolling and How to Stop It – Your Top Tips

BREAKING NEWS... BREAKING NEWS... BREAKING NEWS... How many times have you seen those big capital letters flood your news feed or TV screen over the past year? If you live on Planet Earth, probably a lot. If it's not some dire news about the never-ending pandemic, it's climate change, political turmoil, the spiralling economy, or […]

January 1, 2021

What Did You Learn From 2020?

"May the lessons of 2020 help us to set different goals and seek to live more meaningful lives." – Yolande Conradie


October 27, 2020

Has Your Career Gone Flat? – #MTtalk Roundup

In our latest Twitter chat, we talked about careers going flat – and how to get them flying again


September 17, 2020

Being Present in a Strange World – #MTtalk Roundup

When times are tough, some people try to be "present" – while others look for ways to escape


September 1, 2020

#MTtalk Roundup: Lost Your Career Overnight, What Now?

In our latest #MTtalk, we asked how you'd cope if your career was wiped out overnight. Read Yolande Conradie's review of our lively discussion

July 7, 2020

Your Biggest Challenge – #MTtalk Roundup

What's been your biggest challenge and how did you overcome it? We put this question to you in our latest Twitter talk, and here's a collection of our favorite responses

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