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"Organizational culture" Blog Posts

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October 26, 2023

The Centennial Mindset: My Expert Interview With Alex Hill

“Centennial” organizations deliver benefits for communities and society as a whole, as well as for themselves.


May 11, 2023

Why Middle Managers Need Better Managing

"From below, he was a nightmare. Untrustworthy, evasive and weak, he would go weeks without speaking to any of us outside formal meetings." - Simon Bell

October 12, 2015

Let's Hear It for Middle Managers

Are middle managers unsung heroes? It’s certainly easy for them to keep a low profile, while still doing an excellent job. They’re in the middle of the hierarchy so, by definition, the buck seldom stops with them. Both big decision making and hands-on creative work are done by other people in the organization, above and […]

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June 29, 2015

The Value of a Quick Chat

It was a privilege to talk one-on-one with Margaret Heffernan – like having my own personal TED Talk. I met the business leader and author while she was passing through London publicizing her new book, “Beyond Measure: The Big Impact of Small Changes,” which is based on an actual TED Talk that she gave. There […]

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