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"Negativity" Blog Posts

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March 16, 2022

The 10 Most Difficult People (and the 5 Best Ways to Deal With Them!)

"It's not that you have to love everybody else in the organization. But you do need to understand a few simple things. What are they trying to get done? What obstacles do they see? What skills do they bring?" – Amy Edmondson

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April 14, 2020

Handling Pessimism – #MTtalk Roundup

Some people see the glass as half full. Others see it as half empty. And then there are people who don't worry about half full or half empty – they're worried about dropping the glass. I wonder if all families and offices have a pessimist in their midst?

August 8, 2017

Creating a Happy Workplace – #MTtalk

Happy at Work? Spot the Difference Are you happy at work? Thinking about this question brought to mind three of my regular contacts. I work closely with a certain organization, and I usually deal with Jenna, Anita and Bella. Jenna, who holds a master's degree, has worked there for five years. She often tells me […]


February 2, 2015

Embrace the Dark Side!

I recently interviewed the German psychologist Gabriele Oettingen about her WOOP motivation method, which switches the focus from dreams to the obstacles that block those dreams. It’s an interesting take on positive psychology, and refreshing, too. The well-worn theme that happiness will get you everywhere is beginning to ring a bit dull, probably because I’ve […]


September 29, 2014

An Emotional Performance

Do you try to leave your emotions at the door when you go to work? You may squirm when people express their feelings openly, but, according to Jackie Barretta, author of "Primal Teams," emotions are what connect and motivate people. Acknowledging them is a good way to harness their power, and can even transform your […]

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