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"#mttips" Blog Posts

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September 7, 2022

How Do You Relax After Working From Home?

"One of the main factors in separating work from home is making sure you have a dedicated workspace."

July 25, 2022

Managing Presentation Nerves – Your Top Tips!

Check out our brand new video with Mind Tools' Content Editor/Writer, Jonathan Hancock, who shares his handy hints for putting on a great presentation – in spite of any nerves


June 8, 2022

Do You Work for an Ethical Business?

Many of us are scrutinizing our habits to try to live more ethically, and it isn't just our personal lives that are being evaluated under an ethical microscope – it's our working lives too. So, do you work for an ethical business?


April 22, 2022

What Books Have Shaped Your Career?

For this year's World Book Day we asked our followers: which books have shaped your career? Discover their answers and an amazing selection of great reads


January 6, 2022

What Are Your Plans for 2022? Your Top Tips!

However, as I've learned over the past two years, some things are out of our control. If I keep these goals in mind, I know that I'll do my best to get them done - and have some fun along the way!

December 9, 2021

LinkedIn Lies: Navigating Through the Noise to Find What's Important to You

LinkedIn has nearly 800 million members, so how can professionals use the platform safely to hire, job hunt, and enrich their careers?

October 8, 2021

What Bugs You About Recruitment Adverts?

Thanks to "The Great Resignation" there are a lot more recruitment adverts out there, and they’re not all good. You told us what needs fixing


June 10, 2021

Is Working Long Hours at Home Killing You?

Working long hours isn't new – we've all stayed late at work to finish an upcoming project, or worked through a lunch break or two. But did you know that long hours could actually be killing you?


March 4, 2021

Identity Crisis: How to Tackle Feeling Less Professional WFH

Anthropologists have long pointed out that our work is the bedrock of our identity. And now we're working in isolation

February 4, 2021

Doomscrolling and How to Stop It – Your Top Tips

BREAKING NEWS... BREAKING NEWS... BREAKING NEWS... How many times have you seen those big capital letters flood your news feed or TV screen over the past year? If you live on Planet Earth, probably a lot. If it's not some dire news about the never-ending pandemic, it's climate change, political turmoil, the spiralling economy, or […]

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