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"Motivation" Blog Posts

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May 8, 2015

Leap Before you Look!

There are many occasions in life when it seems easier to stay on a familiar, risk-free, but ultimately unsatisfying path, rather than to strike off into uncharted territory. And it's easy to understand that position. If you have a family or a mortgage, or economic conditions are tough, the risks of change can appear to […]


April 14, 2015

What Lifts you up?

There are several areas in my life where I’m constantly striving to improve myself. And, for each one, I motivate myself using different methods. For example, one way that I try to better myself is through keeping fit, and this year I trained for a half marathon. To keep motivated, I printed off my training […]

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February 27, 2015

Regain Your Spark!

Around a year ago, I had dinner with a friend to celebrate her promotion. She'd worked for her organization for more than 10 years, and she was about to start her new role as department head. Over three courses of delicious Italian food and a nice bottle of wine, her excitement and enthusiasm were palpable. […]


February 12, 2015

Motivation - the Agile Way!

Motivation is the art of finding out what "makes people tick," and applying that to get the best from them. As such, it’s something that we all need to understand. There are many great models that help us do this. One of the fathers of motivation, Frederick Herzberg, said that the way to motivate people […]

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January 13, 2015

How to Turn a Great Idea Into Reality

I am full of good ideas… honestly, I am! I’m always coming up with grand schemes and plans for new businesses, inventions and projects. There was the time I wanted to start a business writing memoirs, as other people's lives fascinate me. And then the parking-aid invention – essentially a set of wheels that drop down […]


November 19, 2014

What's Your Favorite way to Stay Productive?

There seem to be hundreds of articles, infographics and apps around to help us become more productive at work. Since joining Mind Tools, I have personally learned so many useful tricks by editing our Time Management articles, and by reading our fortnightly App Reviews. For example, I now use online tools such as web.any.do to write […]


November 14, 2014

How to Help Your Team Members Achieve Significant Goals

What goals are you working toward at the moment? Maybe you're aiming for a promotion, or hoping to learn a new skill. Or, perhaps you're saving up for a deposit for a home or aiming to beat last year's sales revenues. However major your goals are, I'll wager that none as are big as this […]


November 5, 2014

Why Wait? How our Friends Banish Procrastination for Good!

When we asked people on Twitter and Facebook for their #mindtoolstips on beating procrastination a few weeks ago, we received some interesting responses: “I’ll tell you tomorrow!” was a popular one! But – in all seriousness – we received some great suggestions, so thanks to all of our friends who contributed! On Twitter, a good […]

May 5, 2014

How Small Changes can Lead to Big Improvements

Are you a thriver, a striver or a struggler? Performance coach Andy Core divides people into these three types, and in his work, he focuses on turning strivers into thrivers. In our Expert Interview podcast (premium members only), he tells me about his new book: "Change Your Day, Not Your Life," and he outlines some of […]

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