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"Motivation" Blog Posts

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July 22, 2016

Influence: Do You Have the Power?

Influence can come in a variety of forms. From a viral campaign on social media, to a presidential election campaign, to the pleadings of your children for that much-dreamt-of holiday to Disney World. So what does influence mean to you? How do you influence people and, conversely, how do they influence you? I'm an emotional decision maker. […]


May 23, 2016

Goal-Setting: Benefits and Cautions

Goals? Sure, I have them and I could more or less tell you what they are, but I didn't need to write them down like all those motivational speakers told me to do. Why? Like auditor Todd Weinman, I recoiled at the notion of being controlled – even when the "controller" is someone as likable […]

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April 5, 2016

Step Off the Sidelines & Get Into the Game!

Ever watch a professional football game on television? The head coach paces back and forth along the sidelines, delivering plays, processing information he receives through his headset from other coaches, and patting players on the back in recognition of their hard work. Through it all, the coach is at the center of a vigorous tornado […]

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March 15, 2016

What's the Secret of a Happy Team?

It's a manager's dream to work with a happy, engaged and motivated team. But happiness is so subjective, and people's motivations are so varied, that building a happy team is more down to luck than design, right? And even if you do your best to create a positive environment, you can't control outside issues that […]


February 5, 2016

It Pays to Look After Customer-Facing Staff

I turn my back on the gray, drizzly high street and stand at the threshold of the store, blinking in the light of a thousand LED bulbs. The light bounces off the glossy white walls, and sparkles on the cases of a hundred smooth and futuristic-looking mobile phones. It also glints off the solid black […]

December 14, 2015

How Real Are Your Limitations?

Imagine losing your sight at the age of 14. That happened to Patricia Walsh and, understandably, it threw her into a pit of despair. "I had always been ambitious when I was very young," she recounts in our Expert Interview podcast. "All the stories anyone tells of me as a child were [of me] never […]

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October 30, 2015

What Gives You Your "Get Up and Go?"

"Motivation is when your dreams put on work clothes."  ~ Benjamin Franklin. Motivation is the feeling that makes you want to act now or, as Benjamin Franklin put it, "put on work clothes" and get busy. It’s the excitement about a future plan or a success, and the drive that turns an idea into reality. […]

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August 4, 2015

What Are Your Top Tips for Overcoming a Mid-Career Slump?

I know quite a few people who seem to be having mid-career crises at the moment. They're all in their mid-30s and worked their socks off in their 20s by regularly doing late nights, not taking time off, and spending numerous weekends in the office. Usually, they have an end-goal in mind: to gain a […]

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June 26, 2015

Gold Stars and Certificates

When I was in elementary school, the best part of my day wasn't running around in the yard, or dreaming up impossible adventures with my friends. It was getting my homework back from Mr Noyce with a big red tick and "V.G." at the bottom, short for "Very Good." I'd done it! I'd been recognized! […]

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May 12, 2015

Managers Versus Leaders: the big Debate!

What’s the difference between managers and leaders? It’s one of those questions you might expect to answer if you’re sitting an end-of-year business-studies exam in high school. I’m sure I had to do an assignment at college on this very subject. I probably wrote about how a manager is an organizer, who makes day-to-day decisions […]

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