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"Mindset" Blog Posts

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July 19, 2022

David Robson's Expectation Effect: My Expert Interview

Rachel Salaman talks to science writer David Robson about "expectation effects," and why we may need to change our approach to happiness

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May 12, 2022

What Would Michael Porter Say – Be the Best or Be Unique?

"People in the performing arts don’t reach the top of the tree by crushing the opposition. They do it by being creative," - Steven Edwards


December 10, 2020

Growing Misconceptions: Exploding the Mindset Myths

"Not everyone can win an Oscar or top the charts. There’d be a great deal of disappointment if everyone took "growth mindset" to be some kind of life goal guarantee!" - Jonathan Hancock


August 6, 2020

Uncertainty – Your Top Tips!

"I don't bother myself with uncertainty because I understand I have no control over it."

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January 19, 2017

Choose Life, Choose Change, Make it Happen

I'm tired. Very tired... But much to my surprise, I'm also very happy. If you're turning green with envy, or puce with revulsion, at the prospect of me sharing an unfeasibly upbeat success story, don't worry. My rosy, if sleepy, glow is the result of some painful change over the last few years – and there's […]

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July 11, 2016

You're a Genius

Are we born with certain abilities or can we acquire them through deliberate practice? Myles Downey has a theory about this nurture/nature question of genius. For him, the debate points directly to a tradition of powerful people seeking to retain their authority. A keen tennis player himself, he explains this with a metaphor from the world […]

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May 27, 2016

Pareto, Dweck and the Harsh Realities of Life

Guest blogger Bob Little explores the truth of two contrasting mindsets. You might think that your current level of success is based on your innate abilities. Or that it reflects your determination to work hard and keep learning. According to Carol S. Dweck, the Lewis and Virginia Eaton Professor of Psychology at Stanford University, you […]

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