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"Mentor" Blog Posts

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August 25, 2022

My Expert Interview About Risk, With Angie Morgan

Love it or hate it, risk is unavoidable, but Rachel Salaman hears how we can harness its power responsibly and successfully


December 5, 2019

What's the Best Career Advice You've Received? -- Your Top Tips!

The best career advice I ever received? “Stop moaning, and do something about it!” Though it’s served me well, at the time I remember thinking, “that’s a bit harsh!” I'd just finished uni


July 26, 2018

Jason Garner: How to Build Success With a "Mosaic of Mentors"

Why All Great Leaders Need a Mentor It's never easy to admit to yourself that your career may be going in the wrong direction, or that you've lost your "mojo," motivation or drive. But many of today's most successful business leaders once needed guidance from mentors. For example, technology titan Bill Gates credits business magnate […]

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January 21, 2016

It’s "Thank Your Mentor Day!”

Today is  "Thank Your Mentor Day," a day where we're encouraged to express our gratitude toward someone who's guided and inspired us, and made a positive and lasting impact on our lives. It's part of Harvard University's National Mentoring Month™, which celebrates the benefits of mentoring. According to NMM, there are various ways that you […]

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August 31, 2015

Live a Life That Matters

Sometimes it takes a shock to jolt us out of unhelpful habits. For Jason Garner, it was the premature death of his mother. He was 37 at the time and the loss hit him hard. "I cried. I went to therapy, a lot of therapy, and I started to really understand the programming that made […]

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