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"Happiness" Blog Posts

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October 18, 2023

18 Ways to Be the Best You Can Be

We all want to be thought of as good employees, but if we really want to fulfill our career aspirations, then we need to push ourselves to be the best that we can be! After all, if we only do the minimum required of us, we probably won't get very far. So, if you've set […]

September 15, 2022

Measurement: Taking a Measured Approach

"Measurement underpins our attempts to impose order and understanding on the world. All that’s fundamentally changed is the technology."


May 11, 2022

Beating Loneliness With Fika: Sweden's Fix for Happier Workforces

Loneliness is a companion that many of us have become all too familiar with over the past couple of years. But one country that seems to have banished workplace loneliness is Sweden, with a tasty tradition called fika

February 1, 2022

Celebrating the Ordinary – #MTtalk Roundup

"I believe that by celebrating the ordinary, we can acknowledge the simple things in life that are good enough. We can still acknowledge the extraordinary, simply with a different intention" – @Midgie_MT

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July 8, 2021

Will I Be Happy in the New Normal? - Mind Tools Expert Voices

"Expert Voices" is our new podcast series, gathering together insights and ideas from a range of experts. In episode one we hear about tactics to foster happiness in the "new normal"

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February 6, 2018

The Impact of Mental Health Issues at Work - #MTtalk Roundup

As some of you may know, we have discussion forums in the Mind Tools Club. A while ago, I started a conversation about mental health. One of our members, whom we'll call George, replied to say that he was recently diagnosed with a mental health concern. Since then, George has been very generous in sharing […]

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February 1, 2018

How to Be Happy at Work

Annie McKee, Ph.D is an adviser on happiness to leaders of multinational companies and governments around the globe. So I was surprised to learn that, not so very long ago, she was cleaning houses and waiting tables. These are not jobs designed to make people happy. McKee mentions those early career experiences in her new […]

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November 6, 2017

How Ambitious Should You Be?

Picture the scene: you have a job that you love, working for a great company. But, this has been your life for the past five years. Surely you need to be more ambitious? Perhaps now is the right time to be moving "onward and upward"? So, your boss recommends you for a manager role, which […]


June 29, 2017

Does Your Profession Reflect Who You Really Are?

Toni Morrison is a favorite author of mine, who recently brought to my mind one of life's fundamental questions: "Does the work that I do define me? Or is the 'real me' the person I am outside of my work?" What Defines You? In a recent article that she wrote for The New Yorker, Morrison […]


November 17, 2016

Actions: Do They Really Speak Louder Than Words?

My early memories are dominated by being both in awe of – and intimidated by – my older brother Mike. He knew exactly how to appear smart, useful, funny, and cool. He was usually a good brother but, when the mood struck him, he was quick to remind me just how far I fell short […]

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