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"Goal-setting" Blog Posts

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March 17, 2015

What Helps you Stick to Your Goals?

I often challenge myself to go without something I enjoy for a period of time. At the moment, I’ve given up chocolate, and my goal is to go six weeks without eating any. In my opinion, six weeks is long enough to test my will power, but not too long for it to feel insurmountable! […]

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January 13, 2015

How to Turn a Great Idea Into Reality

I am full of good ideas… honestly, I am! I’m always coming up with grand schemes and plans for new businesses, inventions and projects. There was the time I wanted to start a business writing memoirs, as other people's lives fascinate me. And then the parking-aid invention – essentially a set of wheels that drop down […]


November 14, 2014

How to Help Your Team Members Achieve Significant Goals

What goals are you working toward at the moment? Maybe you're aiming for a promotion, or hoping to learn a new skill. Or, perhaps you're saving up for a deposit for a home or aiming to beat last year's sales revenues. However major your goals are, I'll wager that none as are big as this […]


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