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"Flow" Blog Posts

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February 1, 2017

Your Top Tips for Minimizing Distractions

How many times have you been completely absorbed in your work, only to be ripped "out of the zone" by infuriating distractions? Then, when you try to get back to the task at hand, how long does it take you find the same level of focus? Workplace distractions can have a heavy cost on your […]

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September 23, 2016

Forget the Monday Morning Blues and Find Pleasure in Your Career!

You've just got into the swing of the weekend and, yep, you've guessed it, Monday's here again. Cue setting alarm clocks, tossing and turning in bed worrying about that early morning presentation, the packed commute. Finally, you're back home… only for it all to start again the next day. Sometimes we get so caught up in the […]

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July 11, 2016

You're a Genius

Are we born with certain abilities or can we acquire them through deliberate practice? Myles Downey has a theory about this nurture/nature question of genius. For him, the debate points directly to a tradition of powerful people seeking to retain their authority. A keen tennis player himself, he explains this with a metaphor from the world […]

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October 7, 2014

Ridiculous and Remarkable

What drives you to do remarkable things? The answer came to me early yesterday morning, while sitting in my minivan, in a remote part of the Sussex countryside. It was still dark outside, and the van rocked on its axles as the rain lashed against the sides, carried on heavy gusts of a chilly autumn […]

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