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"Etiquette" Blog Posts

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February 23, 2023

Swearing at Work 🤬: Is it Ever OK?

Swearing is not necessarily bad per se, it’s about context and culture. As one U.K.-based HR manager told me, "It's an interesting one, and every workplace and person will be different."

November 30, 2017

R.E.S.P.E.C.T. (Find Out What It Means to Me)

You'd think that respect is a timeless value that needs no explanation. But there have been large shifts in what it looks like in the workplace over recent years. For example, not so many years ago, male managers would likely have expected to be addressed as "Mr.," while their team members might have accepted sexual […]

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February 23, 2017

Manners: Why Good Ones Matter at Work

Beverly Langford’s book on modern manners in business, “The Etiquette Edge,” is full of memorable tips and observations. Many are specific to a situation or mode of communication, while others are more generic. One of the most striking appears in the section on business travel: "Treat everyone as though you were going to have to […]

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