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"Discrimination" Blog Posts

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June 8, 2023

5 Ways to Support Your LGBTQ+ Colleagues

One of the few spaces that can have real impact in improving LGBTQ+ equality is the workplace. But it takes effort; and it's not only up to our LGBTQ+ colleagues. It's up to the rest of us, too.


May 30, 2023

3 Tools for Speaking Out at Work – All NEW Empowerment Videos

I'm going to start with a confession. There have been some points in my life where I've avoided speaking out when I really should have. One such time, when I was young (16 or 17), I saw a local shopkeeper getting harassed by a group of three young girls. I knew the shopkeeper... had often […]

December 8, 2022

Talking About Your Salary – Your Top Tips!

"So, how much are you on now then?" The question took me by surprise. I'd never really discussed my salary before, and certainly not at work, surrounded by all my colleagues...

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October 11, 2022

Inclusive Inclusivity – #MTtalk Roundup

In order to achieve true inclusivity, we first have to adopt an inclusive mindset


June 30, 2021

What Pride Means to Us

Unable to celebrate Pride as we would have pre-COVID, we asked our colleagues and subscribers to share Pride memories, hopes and fears.

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May 25, 2021

Language That Divides – #MTtalk Roundup

"Language conveys not only basic messages but also nuance. That's really important on social media that doesn't do great with inflections." - JKatzaman


October 14, 2020

Racism in the Workplace: No Laughing Matter

Jeffrey, Esh and Sai continue their conversation about exclusion in the workplace, racist jokes, and comments that "white lives matter"

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September 16, 2020

Racism in the Workplace and BLM: Our First Conversation

Have you ever discussed racism at work? Perhaps you're worried about reactions, or you're tired of explaining yourself. Listen to this conversation for starters

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August 20, 2020

The Subtle Art of Racism: What I Realized Because of BLM

It’s opening up a lot of people's eyes, people who have always thought "racism doesn’t exist anymore." Sai Cook

April 16, 2019

The Ugly Truth About "Othering" – #MTtalk Roundup

"Nothing disrupts dehumanization more quickly than inviting someone over, looking into their eyes, hearing their voice, and listening.” – Sarah Schulman, American author There's a character in one of my favorite movies that is continually rejected by the residents of the small town where she has lived her whole life. In the movie, the character, Fran, is beautiful […]

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