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"Customer service" Blog Posts

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March 11, 2021

My Love-Hate Relationship With Amazon

"Data drives Amazon forward, many of the knock-on effects of its success are not ones that I would have chosen. Yet I keep giving Amazon full consent to use my data." - Jonathan Hancock


June 25, 2019

Seeking to Serve – #MTtalk Roundup

"Fastidious attention to detail makes the difference between an OK service and first class service.” ― Ben Elliot, English Businessman "I can't believe how amazing the service was!" "Before we could look around for someone to serve us, a waiter would appear as if by magic." "They seemed to know what we wanted even before […]

January 25, 2018

How to Post Complaints and Keep Your Cool Online

At some point we all interact with a sales or customer service rep. Whether we're buying a new TV, renewing our car insurance, or changing our internet service provider, reps play an essential part in our customer experience. If you're lucky, you speak to someone who's charming, funny and knows what he or she is […]

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November 21, 2016

Closed-Loop Feedback: Is Anyone Really Listening?

I can't count the number of times that I've excitedly opened a new message on my phone, only to find yet another email from yet another company asking me whether I can "spare a few seconds" to give them some feedback in yet another "customer satisfaction" survey. Often I delete these messages straight away, mumbling to myself […]

August 26, 2016

Rude Customers: the Cyber Experience

Social media is a really useful channel for assessing customer service. People can reach out to your business with just a click of a mouse, and give instant feedback about their experience of using your products and services. But what can you do if that feedback is rude or offensive? My first office job was as a […]

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February 9, 2015

Create an Emotional Connection With Your Customers

Several days ago, I was at a market I visit only occasionally. As I was checking out, the clerk asked me if I was a member of their loyalty club. I thought I was, so I dug through my purse and finally found the little plastic card that proved that, yes, I was indeed a […]


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