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"Culture" Blog Posts

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September 28, 2023

How to Find a Right-Fit Job: My Expert Interview With André Martin 

For a long-lasting, fulfilling experience at work, it pays to think carefully before applying for a job.


April 4, 2023

Food and Work – #MTtalk Roundup

"We were having a lovely time – a middle-aged white South African couple and four young black Mauritians sharing stories about our cultures, language, jokes, struggles, history, and day-to-day lives. And all because of food."

May 26, 2022

Good Character in Business: My Interview With Fred Kiel

"Leaders of good character keep their promises... and treat you as a human being and not as an object."

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March 4, 2021

Identity Crisis: How to Tackle Feeling Less Professional WFH

Anthropologists have long pointed out that our work is the bedrock of our identity. And now we're working in isolation

June 11, 2020

Onboarding or Off-Putting? – The Right and Wrong Ways to Welcome New People to Your Team

Unlike my earlier onboarding nightmare, this process involved clear expectations on both sides


May 16, 2019

Great Pretender – Are You Free to Be Yourself at Work?

Have you ever received the career advice: "just be yourself"? We’re often told to bring our "whole selves" to work, and to be authentic in order to achieve satisfaction, improve productivity, create diverse and inclusive workplaces, and feel happier. Yet most of us would probably admit to being "Great Pretenders" sometimes. I asked my colleagues […]


February 28, 2019

Better Understanding Across Borders

For all the talk of a "global business environment," it’s still easy to feel wrong-footed when you travel abroad for work. When the extent of the cultural difference is unclear, how do you know what behavior is appropriate and what isn't? Dean Foster has made it his life’s work to smooth out cross-cultural misunderstandings. Because […]

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February 5, 2019

Culture Clash – Respect and Conflict – #MTtalk Roundup

"We find comfort among those who agree with us; growth among those who don’t." - Dr Marty Nemko, U.S. career coach About This Week's Chat A characteristic that I love seeing in other people is self-honesty. However, that places a responsibility on me to be self-honest, too. Otherwise, I compromise my integrity. So, let me […]

November 22, 2018

Honesty at Work: Your Top Tips!

Is honesty always the best policy at work? And what does honesty really mean in the workplace? Does honesty mean that you always do the best job that you can for your employer? Does it mean speaking out when you suspect wrongdoing, or to prevent a calamitous mistake? Or does it just mean replacing the […]

September 18, 2018

Building a Winning Culture –#MTtalk Roundup

"One of our values is that you should be looking out for each other. Everyone should try to make the lives of everyone else who works here a little bit simpler." – Stewart Butterfield, Canadian entrepreneur (co-founder, Flickr and Slack) Hot, Buttered Toast It was very early in the morning, and my first time facilitating […]

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