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"Communication Skills" Blog Posts

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October 11, 2023

Accepting Praise – How to Own Your Achievements

There's a lot of advice on giving praise, but how can we accept it gracefully? Mind Tools' Assistant Content Editor, Alice Gledhill, explores why accepting praise can be so difficult.

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August 3, 2023

Acronyms and Abbreviations: a Shortcut to Suffering If You're Neurodivergent

Abbreviations are like hiccups in an article that otherwise would have been enjoyable to read. Really annoying hiccups that I wish would just go away.


May 30, 2023

3 Tools for Speaking Out at Work – All NEW Empowerment Videos

I'm going to start with a confession. There have been some points in my life where I've avoided speaking out when I really should have. One such time, when I was young (16 or 17), I saw a local shopkeeper getting harassed by a group of three young girls. I knew the shopkeeper... had often […]

June 7, 2022

Exaggeration: Lying or Not? – #MTtalk Roundup

"Exaggeration? I don't mind some theatrics, but I do mind if people use it to manipulate." - Zala Bricelj


June 17, 2021

Three Reasons Answers Are More Important Than Questions

Every question starts as an imperfect answer that stimulates curiosity in the world


June 25, 2020

Don’t Ignore the Messenger: Our Expert Interview With Stephen Martin and Joseph Marks

What makes you sit up and listen to someone? In our latest Expert Interview podcast, we learn about the eight traits of effective communicators


June 9, 2020

Does Self-Talk Help or Hinder? – #MTtalk Roundup

When should you listen to your inner voice, and when does it just get in the way? Here's a collection of comments from our latest #MTtalk Twitter chat

April 30, 2020

Connecting in a Time of Isolation: Our Expert Interview With Melanie Katzman

In this Expert Interview podcast, best-selling author Melanie Katzman explains why connecting at work matters, and shares her tips on building relationships virtually as well as face-to-face


November 28, 2019

Why the Right Questions Matter: Our Expert Interview With Dean Nelson

In this month's podcast, journalist, academic and writer Dean Nelson talks to Mind Tools about interviewing techniques. What are the secrets to a good interview? And how can you get the most out of interviewees?


October 31, 2019

15 Brilliant Productivity Apps

These days there's an app for everything. They can range from the truly weird (like Nothing – literally a screen that shows the word "nothing" on it and does, well… absolutely nothing), to the utterly infuriating, yet fascinating (try Do Not Press The Red Button, where you seemingly have to avoid pressing a big red […]

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