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"Communication" Blog Posts

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January 29, 2016

Speak From the Heart – Not From a Script

Have you ever suffered from the curse of the "writer’s block"  – when you're supposed to be writing about something specific, but your mind is trying so hard to focus on it that you struggle to write anything at all? When this happens, a well-known "cure" is free association – when you write down anything […]


January 22, 2016

Are You Brave Enough to Be The Best?

Have you heard the saying, "People don't leave jobs, they leave managers."? There are various forms of this saying, but we all know exactly what it means, don't we? At some point, most of us have either been tempted to leave or will actually have left a job because of our manager's style of leadership. […]


January 8, 2016

Coach to Set Your People's Potential Free!

If you want to explore different ways to develop your people's skills and improve their performance at work, you may consider coaching them. Whereas coaching is seen by some as a corrective tool for when things are "going wrong," with careful planning, it can be a positive technique that will help your coachees to focus […]

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December 18, 2015

Are You In or Out?

Imagine you're at work, sitting with your two colleagues. It's mid-morning and the company coffee bar has opened. One colleague asks, "Fancy a coffee?" You might indeed fancy one, but experience has taught you that the invitation does not extend to you. As usual, the other agrees that a coffee would be a great idea […]

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December 4, 2015

To Get Ahead, Do Nothing!

While you're reading this, what else are you thinking of? If you're focused on these words to the exclusion of all else, then bravo! You have achieved what many of us struggle to do: keep our minds focused on the task at hand. However, if you regularly find that your focus drifts during tasks or […]


November 27, 2015

"Don't Rain on My Parade!"

When you get some good news, of course you want to shout it from the rooftops! You're brimming with excitement, bursting with pride, and looking for someone to share it with. Researcher, Christopher Langston, refers to the sharing of good news as "capitalization," where your feelings of positivity are intensified each time you do it. […]


November 20, 2015

Could Your Team Be Happier?

  Do you have to love what you do for a living to be happy at work? As an editor, I play with words all day and, right now, I can't think of anything else I'd rather do. I may not wake up and dread my working day now but, during my past roles, I […]

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November 6, 2015

My Awkward Team Meeting

  Have you ever been in a team meeting at work and wanted the ground to swallow you up? What's your most cringe-worthy memory of a team meeting that didn't go very well for you? I have been witness to many an awkward moment in meetings, happily not always involving me directly. My awkward moment […]


October 27, 2015

Dealing With People Who Don’t Listen!

Why won't they listen?! It can be exasperating when you're trying to communicate with someone, but you know that what you are saying is "going in one ear and out the other." You might be offering advice, or giving instructions on how to complete a task, but the other person has made up their mind […]

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September 1, 2015

What's More Important: Speaking or Listening?

I've mentioned in a previous blog about an inspirational poster that I have in my bedroom. It's called the Seven Steps to Happiness, and one of the steps is "Talk Less, Listen More." I'd like to think of myself as a good listener and, in many situations, I prefer to listen rather than talk. But […]

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