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"Communication" Blog Posts

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July 8, 2016

Lost for Words? Or Cat Got Your Tongue?

Have you ever found yourself lost for words at a time when you needed them desperately? It's easy to think that there's not much "going on upstairs" for those that are sitting silently in your meeting but, often, this is a gross underestimation. There are an infinite number of reasons why a person might be inclined […]

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July 5, 2016

Meetings: Do You Help, Hide or Hinder?

Please Join Us! What: #MTtalk Where: Twitter When: Friday, July 8, 2016 @ 1p.m. EST (6p.m. BST) Topic: Team Meetings: Do You Help, Hide or Hinder? Host: @MindTools About This Week's Chat Your life at the office has become somewhat unproductive. You're hardly ever at your desk. You don't answer your phone and no one […]

June 14, 2016

#MTtalk Team Building: Good, Bad and Ugly!

Politics and team-building events have one thing in common: they have the power to unite or divide people. Team-building events that are badly planned or poorly executed can do more harm than good. They can cause division and conflict if participants are forced to do things they are uncomfortable doing, or that they simply can't do. On the other […]

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May 10, 2016

Your Top Tips For Giving and Receiving Feedback at Work

"We all need people who will give us feedback. That's how we improve." – Bill Gates, American business magnate. Feedback... There is something inherently awkward about the process of giving and receiving feedback. If done – and taken – in a negative vein, it can feel a lot like judging or being judged, and that never leaves us feeling […]

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April 29, 2016

Don't Let a Crisis Become a Catastrophe

The saying "hope for the best, prepare for the worst" has always struck me as supremely sensible advice. Having said that, it's not advice that I've often applied to my own life and career. I tend toward being mostly optimistic about things, and I usually deal with the immediacy of life rather than scan the […]

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April 25, 2016

How to Give Feedback

Imagine being forever immune to heart attacks and strokes because you take a daily dose of medication. Great! But there's a little hitch. The medication can be very sour and it takes 10 minutes to prepare. Would you take the medication or just hope that your heart is strong enough without it? This question is […]

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April 5, 2016

Step Off the Sidelines & Get Into the Game!

Ever watch a professional football game on television? The head coach paces back and forth along the sidelines, delivering plays, processing information he receives through his headset from other coaches, and patting players on the back in recognition of their hard work. Through it all, the coach is at the center of a vigorous tornado […]

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March 7, 2016

Will They Stay or Will They Go?

What keeps you in your job? It might be the regular paycheck, interesting work, the camaraderie, or maybe a sense that you're contributing to something larger than yourself. Or perhaps you feel unfulfilled and are just going through the motions. In fact, you may be looking around for something else, because you feel you've reached […]

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February 5, 2016

It Pays to Look After Customer-Facing Staff

I turn my back on the gray, drizzly high street and stand at the threshold of the store, blinking in the light of a thousand LED bulbs. The light bounces off the glossy white walls, and sparkles on the cases of a hundred smooth and futuristic-looking mobile phones. It also glints off the solid black […]

February 2, 2016


Don't! I've been fixated on this word for a couple months now. It started when I wrote a blog about the self-promotion that is so necessary in this age when so many of us are small-time entrepreneurs and contract workers. Typical of what I read was, "Don't brag! You'll look like a jerk!" and, "Don't […]

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