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"Communication" Blog Posts

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December 13, 2016

Being Brave: Having Tough Conversations – #MTtalk Roundup

All of us face tough conversations at work at some point. While many tough conversations are about work performance, many aren't. Conversations where you address personal or sensitive issues such as personal hygiene are tough. Telling employees about the company downsizing and the possibility of them losing their jobs is tough. Delivering bad news to […]

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December 7, 2016

Your Top Tips for Building a Positive Team

When you're surrounded by happy, motivated team mates, the working day can pass in a blur of camaraderie. Colleagues can become friends, you enjoy coming to work, and you push one another to do your best work. On the other hand, even a single day spent with a team that is disengaged, dysfunctional and fractured […]

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November 21, 2016

Closed-Loop Feedback: Is Anyone Really Listening?

I can't count the number of times that I've excitedly opened a new message on my phone, only to find yet another email from yet another company asking me whether I can "spare a few seconds" to give them some feedback in yet another "customer satisfaction" survey. Often I delete these messages straight away, mumbling to myself […]

October 27, 2016

A Simple Smile Could be Key to Your "Approachability"

First impressions can mean a lot. In fact, in business, your "approachability" can mean everything. But being able to make that all-important first impression can be more difficult than we think. We might like to believe that we are approachable, open, friendly. But, in reality, how we want to be perceived by others may not always come […]

September 6, 2016

Empowerment vs Entitlement – #MTtalk Roundup

Imagine this scenario: You're watching a medal ceremony during the Olympic Games. The gold medalist won with a clear margin, but the silver medalist kicks up a fuss because he thinks he's entitled to the gold. He insists on getting the gold medal, even though the competition was fair and the winner deserved his place. […]

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September 2, 2016

The Day I Learned to Think in Pictures

Someone once asked me to create a presentation using pictures and just two words per slide. That moment would go on to influence my career in a number of surprising ways. The challenge came as part of a presentation skills course. It helped me to realize that slides are often used as a crutch for the presenter. Most people, […]

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August 12, 2016

How I Found My Voice in My One-on-Ones

I've laughed in them, cried in them, been bored in them, and even shouted in them. No matter what your personal thoughts are about one-on-ones – whether you think they are a brilliant opportunity to get your voice heard, or you see them as a waste of time and would rather get rid of them for good […]


July 28, 2016

Stop and Step Back From the Problem!

      Depending on how you view it, life is but a series of challenges to be overcome... How we approach and deal with these challenges determines the pattern and quality of our lives. Most of us are pretty adept at handling our challenges – the fact that the human race hasn't petered out […]

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July 22, 2016

Influence: Do You Have the Power?

Influence can come in a variety of forms. From a viral campaign on social media, to a presidential election campaign, to the pleadings of your children for that much-dreamt-of holiday to Disney World. So what does influence mean to you? How do you influence people and, conversely, how do they influence you? I'm an emotional decision maker. […]


July 12, 2016

#MTtalk: Team Meetings: Do You Help, Hide or Hinder?

Maybe you're the exception to the rule and you absolutely love meetings, but many of us don't enjoy them. Some meetings drag on for hours, without adding much value. Other meetings are held for no better reason than that it's the usual routine to have them. Regardless of how we feel about them, we all […]

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