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"Change" Blog Posts

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August 14, 2020

Racism, George Floyd, BLM, and Me

I was being taught to expect racism, not respect, to simply be more resilient. It normalized something that should be abhorred


August 6, 2020

Uncertainty – Your Top Tips!

"I don't bother myself with uncertainty because I understand I have no control over it."

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May 19, 2020

Exploring the "New Normal" -- #MTtalk Roundup

"If all that we see are the scattered pieces of 'what was,' the story of 'what is yet to be' will never be told." ― Craig D. Lounsbrough, U.S. author and counselor. Fear is a funny thing. Sometimes you're afraid of things that don't exist - like the monster that lived under your bed when you were […]

September 5, 2019

Fresh Ideas for a New Season – Your Top Tips!

As United States Founding Father Benjamin Franklin put it, “When you’re finished changing, you’re finished.”

May 30, 2019

Resisting Change

How do you feel about change? Are you the kind of person who actively seeks it out? Or, like many of us, do you often find yourself resisting change? There’s plenty of research out there on how people react to change. Not to mention several models around how to cope with change and encourage change […]

April 4, 2019

How to Challenge the Status Quo Successfully!

"Well, that's just how we do things here... It's how we've always done it... It's best that you don't


November 14, 2017

Small Choices, Big Changes – #MTtalk Roundup

About This Week's Chat: It May Not Seem Like Much… Starting today, you decide to walk briskly for 20 minutes a day. Not an hour of running or anything as strenuous as that, but a steady stroll. You also opt to ditch one cappuccino or "treat" per day, cutting out 100 calories. Then you realize that […]

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March 23, 2017

Take the Sting Out of Reorganization

The whispers have started. Daniel, who plays squash with Lorraine, the director of marketing's executive assistant, told Asha that the company's about to undergo a reorganization. It could result in it being downsized and streamlined. Four divisions will become three. Or was it two? Anyway, there'll be job losses across the board, maybe as early as […]

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January 19, 2017

Choose Life, Choose Change, Make it Happen

I'm tired. Very tired... But much to my surprise, I'm also very happy. If you're turning green with envy, or puce with revulsion, at the prospect of me sharing an unfeasibly upbeat success story, don't worry. My rosy, if sleepy, glow is the result of some painful change over the last few years – and there's […]

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January 12, 2017

How Can We Make Our Predictions Foolproof?

Nowadays, the pace at which life changes seems faster than ever. Trends come and go, technology changes (almost daily), and don't even get me started on politics! Sometimes it feels as though you need to be able to predict the future just to keep up with all these new changes. You could go on your […]

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