Some transitions are harder to face than others. The Mind Tools coaches share their experiences of going through transitions, and their tips on how to deal with change.
Some transitions are harder to face than others. The Mind Tools coaches share their experiences of going through transitions, and their tips on how to deal with change.
Changing your habits can actually make you a different, better version of yourself.
""People would be more focused and strategic during their working week, to make sure that they got everything done to a high standard, in less time." - Jonathan Hancock
"Leaders of good character keep their promises... and treat you as a human being and not as an object."
What can we learn from the recently deceased "Father of CBT" Dr Aaron Beck? Identifying 10 types of distorted thinking.
Every question starts as an imperfect answer that stimulates curiosity in the world
Which women do you look up to? Are they successful entrepreneurs, talented performers, or historic activists? International Women’s Day is an opportunity to celebrate the…
"We had little hope of understanding the impact. We didn't know how things would have gone if we'd done nothing." - Jonathan Hancock
When times are tough, some people try to be "present" – while others look for ways to escape
Lockdown may have kept us far apart from those closest to us, but volunteering has brought communities together
I was being taught to expect racism, not respect, to simply be more resilient. It normalized something that should be abhorred
"I don't bother myself with uncertainty because I understand I have no control over it."