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"Career skills" Blog Posts

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April 28, 2020

Being a Leader When You're Not in Charge – #MTtalk Roundup

It's Monday morning. Everything is silent, but for the snippets of birdsong that wander in through the open window. It feels weird, because even small towns like the one I live in have traffic on Friday afternoons and Monday mornings. But

February 18, 2020

Assertive, Aggressive or Arrogant? – #MTtalk Roundup

Can you be assertive without being seen as aggressive or arrogant? In this week's #MTtalk Twitter chat, we're going to discuss what the difference is and how to tell


February 6, 2020

Giving Feedback to Managers - Your Top Tips

We all know the value of feedback in the workplace. It can help you to improve your performance, to reassure you that you are on the right track, and to stop you from making serious errors. But can you give feedback to managers?


December 5, 2019

What's the Best Career Advice You've Received? -- Your Top Tips!

The best career advice I ever received? “Stop moaning, and do something about it!” Though it’s served me well, at the time I remember thinking, “that’s a bit harsh!” I'd just finished uni


November 26, 2019

Do You Have "Fixer Syndrome"? - #MTtalk Roundup

When you jump in to "fix" things, how helpful is it really?

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September 17, 2019

The Self-Promotion Trap – #MTtalk Roundup

Self-promotion is a great tool for building your career, but it can also be damaging if you use it recklessly. So how can you self-promote without falling into the traps? "You have to give yourself credit. Not too much, because that would be bragging." Frank McCourt, Irish-American teacher and writer About This Week's Chat A few […]


February 14, 2019

Dealing With Inappropriate Personal Stories at Work – Your Top Tips

It's lunchtime. You're sending a few messages and catching up on that great article you were reading. Suddenly, uh oh, your colleague sits down next to you, and he continues the highly inappropriate personal story he started yesterday. You want to scream, "Please stop talking!" But you feel trapped. So, what do you do? It's not […]


October 30, 2018

Let's Talk L&D – #MTtalk Roundup

"The capacity to learn is a gift; the ability to learn is a skill; the willingness to learn is a choice." – Brian Herbert, U.S. author About This Week's Chat When I facilitate training at large organizations, or lecture to business school students from big corporates, I often hear the same complaints. For example: team […]


August 30, 2018

Your Top Tips for People Starting Out at Work

If you could go back in time, what advice would you give yourself when you were first starting out at work? Few of us forget our very first job. It’s often an exciting, yet nerve-wracking time. And whether you loved or loathed the experience, we bet you learned a lot from those first few years […]


March 20, 2018

Busting Self-Sabotaging Behavior – #MTtalk Roundup

The Good Wolf or the Bad Wolf? There's an age-old Native American story about the battle between the bad wolf and the good wolf inside each of us. A grandfather tells his grandson that the bad wolf feels sorry for itself. It is also angry, proud, greedy, dishonest, and feels guilty and inferior. The good […]

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