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"Career management" Blog Posts

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December 18, 2015

Are You In or Out?

Imagine you're at work, sitting with your two colleagues. It's mid-morning and the company coffee bar has opened. One colleague asks, "Fancy a coffee?" You might indeed fancy one, but experience has taught you that the invitation does not extend to you. As usual, the other agrees that a coffee would be a great idea […]

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December 14, 2015

How Real Are Your Limitations?

Imagine losing your sight at the age of 14. That happened to Patricia Walsh and, understandably, it threw her into a pit of despair. "I had always been ambitious when I was very young," she recounts in our Expert Interview podcast. "All the stories anyone tells of me as a child were [of me] never […]

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December 8, 2015

Bosses, Managers and Leaders

Climbing the career ladder will lead you to become a boss, manager and, hopefully, into a leadership position. These terms are somewhat interchangeable but conjure different emotional reactions that I’ll bet we share. We’ve known leaders who act like the bossy know-it-alls that make us cringe. We’ve also known folks far from the top whose […]

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December 4, 2015

To Get Ahead, Do Nothing!

While you're reading this, what else are you thinking of? If you're focused on these words to the exclusion of all else, then bravo! You have achieved what many of us struggle to do: keep our minds focused on the task at hand. However, if you regularly find that your focus drifts during tasks or […]


November 20, 2015

Could Your Team Be Happier?

  Do you have to love what you do for a living to be happy at work? As an editor, I play with words all day and, right now, I can't think of anything else I'd rather do. I may not wake up and dread my working day now but, during my past roles, I […]

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October 13, 2015

How to be a Successful Intrapreneur

Until I recently stumbled upon an unfamiliar term – intrapreneur – I considered myself a typical Mind Tools’ blogger who keeps up with the business world’s latest trends and lingo. Imagine my shock when I then learned that it was coined 30 years ago by Gifford Pinchot (Gifford, P. (1985). “Who is the Intrapreneur?” Intrapreneuring: […]

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July 21, 2015

I Don't Want to Brag, but You Should

When I meet new people, I want their respect but it takes time to earn this "feeling of deep admiration… (of my) abilities, qualities, or achievements." In some situations, such as a job interview or joining a new team, we try to manage the impression we make on people because important decisions about our future […]

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June 23, 2015

Wanna Join a Team?

Justin Rosenstein, the co-founder of collaboration software company Asana, wondered, "Why do some teams march in unison and achieve big dreams, while others waste time, get stressed and lose steam? I've found that the answer is clarity." His first requirement is clarity of purpose. Abundant literature and research confirms the immediate need for clarity of […]

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May 8, 2015

Leap Before you Look!

There are many occasions in life when it seems easier to stay on a familiar, risk-free, but ultimately unsatisfying path, rather than to strike off into uncharted territory. And it's easy to understand that position. If you have a family or a mortgage, or economic conditions are tough, the risks of change can appear to […]


April 14, 2015

What Lifts you up?

There are several areas in my life where I’m constantly striving to improve myself. And, for each one, I motivate myself using different methods. For example, one way that I try to better myself is through keeping fit, and this year I trained for a half marathon. To keep motivated, I printed off my training […]

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