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"Anxiety" Blog Posts

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December 15, 2022

Why Did a Book About Sadness Make Me So Happy?

"It’s part of being human, stemming from our awareness that life is finite. If we squash down those feelings, we’re missing out on their benefits." - Melanie Bell


August 11, 2022

Self-Esteem: When My Inner Demon Gets It Wrong

"Running into that thing makes our anxiety spike – and we start telling stories in our head about what an inadequate person we are."


June 15, 2022

How Men Can Manage Negative Emotions in a Healthy Way

Society has long held stereotypical perceptions of how men handle their emotions. Men suffer from antiquated ideas of burying feelings, using alcohol or drugs as a coping mechanism, and even becoming physically abusive to avoid tackling the problem. Obviously, none of these methods are healthy. And perpetuating these stereotypes does nothing to help men find […]

October 1, 2020

Moody Leaders – and How Not to Be One

"You have power to make an employee's day enjoyable or miserable." - Bruna Martinuzzi

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October 2, 2019

Self-Improvement in 106,078 Steps – Hard-Won Lessons From My 100K Race

I'd set myself the daunting self-improvement challenge of running 100 km in a day. Here are the lessons-for-life I learned – the hard way!

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September 18, 2019

Turning Fear Into Fuel: Countdown to a Challenge

I'm full of fear, and I only have myself to blame. Six months ago, I signed a form to say that I would run 100 km in a day. There's clearly only one sensible response to that: why? Well, I wanted to raise money for a children's charity that's close to my heart. But I […]

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September 4, 2018

Psychological Safety at Work – #MTtalk Roundup

"Respectful communication under conflict or opposition is an essential and truly awe-inspiring ability.” – Bryant McGill, American author Crashing a Quad Bike A few years ago I had a quad bike accident. We were on holiday, and we went for an ride in a mountainous forest over very rough terrain. It had rained heavily in […]

February 6, 2018

The Impact of Mental Health Issues at Work - #MTtalk Roundup

As some of you may know, we have discussion forums in the Mind Tools Club. A while ago, I started a conversation about mental health. One of our members, whom we'll call George, replied to say that he was recently diagnosed with a mental health concern. Since then, George has been very generous in sharing […]

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March 17, 2017

Setting Boundaries When You’re Working From Home

It’s your time to shine: a leading worldwide broadcaster has arranged a live interview with you to pick your brains on your specialist subject. You're working from home, so you settle yourself down in your freshly tidied home office, launch Skype on your PC, take a deep breath… and in bursts your four-year-old daughter, who […]

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August 23, 2016

#MTtalk: Overworked and Overwhelmed

"When you wake in the morning and are afraid of the day it is time to find the love deep in your heart." Tom Rhodes (@tomj_rhodes) "So that's it then," I said out loud to the imaginary friend sitting next to me. "That's what I need to do when I wake up feeling afraid of […]

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