Leading With Kindness and Humility
When we're less preoccupied with our own accomplishments, we have more time and energy to think about others. Humility is therefore a highly desirable trait in any leader.
Mindtools, a global provider of leadership and management development solutions, is launching its refreshed brand and introducing M: Suite, a comprehensive and interconnected portfolio of innovative learning products and services that meet a breadth of skills development needs in the leadership and management space. Mindtools has been the trusted partner…
When we're less preoccupied with our own accomplishments, we have more time and energy to think about others. Humility is therefore a highly desirable trait in any leader.
"The study shows that people who have spent time assimilating one or more cultures are better able to generate creative ideas" - Bruna Martinuzzi
Mind Tools for Business has one aim: to build and foster learning cultures that inspire people to perform to their full potential – and more than 55,000 public sector learners use our toolkits to do just that.
Can you combine a holiday with a learning opportunity? Mind Tools writer Melanie Bell shares her experiences on a writers' retreat in France.
Unilever has rediscovered what its founders learned back in the day: treating people decently is good for business.
As soon as I sense relationship or financial uncertainty on my radar, all the warning lights and alarms in my head and heart start beeping, clanging and flashing: it must be avoided at all costs! Life doesn't work like that, of course.
I think it’s fair to say that everyone has felt more stressed in the last couple of years. I guess that’s just what happens when…
The discussion and celebration of Black History Month can be (and is) a sensitive topic in the U.S. It is especially challenging when some people still interpret (and teach) indisputable historical facts "differently" to the next generation.
The pace of technological change is fast and phenomenal. But how afraid should we be that our identities are swallowed up and reshaped for profit and control?
If we're not pushed hard enough, we're unlikely to step out of our comfort zone; but if we're pushed too hard, we start to panic and feel overwhelmed. Instead, we need to aim for the "sweet spot" that is the Learning Zone.
Today, more than ever, ethics are a leadership imperative. Bruna Martinuzzi examines the power of ethical leaders and what it takes to be one.
"We can start with the question, 'What do you need me to do?' and respect their answer at the time. Let them know where you will be and BE THERE if they reach out. " @eriphar