Mindtools, a global provider of leadership and management development solutions, is launching its refreshed brand and introducing M: Suite, a comprehensive and interconnected portfolio of innovative learning products and services that meet a breadth of skills development needs in the leadership and management space. Mindtools has been the trusted partner…
"It's not that you have to love everybody else in the organization. But you do need to understand a few simple things. What are they trying to get done? What obstacles do they see? What skills do they bring?" – Amy Edmondson
"Our comforting conviction that the world makes sense rests on a secure foundation: our almost unlimited ability to ignore our ignorance." – Daniel Kahneman
There are infinite ways to be authentic. And organizations need to make us all feel safe to be ourselves. But we should also take an honest look at the impact of our authenticity
February is Black History Month in the U.S. and Canada. It’s a great opportunity to broaden our perspectives and understanding of Black History and of…
"I believe that by celebrating the ordinary, we can acknowledge the simple things in life that are good enough. We can still acknowledge the extraordinary, simply with a different intention" – @Midgie_MT
My pay dropped significantly, and I had to learn to navigate the world of self-employment. It was scary – but exciting, too, because I was reshaping my career, and using a much wider range of experiences and skills
One evening in mid December, I got a reality check. I was too tired to climb one flight of stairs to my bedroom. I realized I needed a reboot. But where was I supposed to find the energy to completely change my life?
However, as I've learned over the past two years, some things are out of our control. If I keep these goals in mind, I know that I'll do my best to get them done - and have some fun along the way!