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Time Management Blog Posts

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April 18, 2016

An Experiment in Productivity

When I first made contact with Chris Bailey, his reply to my email was immediate – and automated. Bailey would be checking email just once a day, it said, at 3pm EST. Ah ha! I thought. That must save a bit of time. This is just one of the techniques he's implemented since completing a […]

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February 16, 2016

How Organized Are You?

From childhood, through school and into the workplace, we are encouraged to be organized. Discover our useful organization tips and tools


December 14, 2015

How Real Are Your Limitations?

Imagine losing your sight at the age of 14. That happened to Patricia Walsh and, understandably, it threw her into a pit of despair. "I had always been ambitious when I was very young," she recounts in our Expert Interview podcast. "All the stories anyone tells of me as a child were [of me] never […]

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June 29, 2015

The Value of a Quick Chat

It was a privilege to talk one-on-one with Margaret Heffernan – like having my own personal TED Talk. I met the business leader and author while she was passing through London publicizing her new book, “Beyond Measure: The Big Impact of Small Changes,” which is based on an actual TED Talk that she gave. There […]

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May 29, 2015

Tick Tock...

Each person has his or her own particular strengths and skills at work. In the Mind Tools office, for example, we've got expert project managers, inspiring leaders, creative geniuses, finance pros, technology whizzes, and top-notch sales people… to name but a few! Me? I love time management and productivity… and I'm not afraid to admit […]

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March 17, 2015

What Helps you Stick to Your Goals?

I often challenge myself to go without something I enjoy for a period of time. At the moment, I’ve given up chocolate, and my goal is to go six weeks without eating any. In my opinion, six weeks is long enough to test my will power, but not too long for it to feel insurmountable! […]

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March 2, 2015

Weekly Lessons in Leadership

I've never been a leader of an organization and I've always shied away from management roles in my journalism career, preferring to stay "at the coal face." Nor have I ever been overly interested in management theory or the structure of organizations. But I am really interested in concepts like purpose and meaning, in the […]

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February 20, 2015

Sweet Dreams

I used to be a terrible sleeper. And, if I'm not careful, I could become one again. When I was a student, I had poor sleeping habits. If I didn't have a lecture, I would stay in bed for as long as possible during the day. Even though I felt guilty, I just couldn't help […]

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February 6, 2015

Staying Connected on the Move

A few months ago I was invited to attend a leadership conference in Bristol, U.K. It was an interesting and engaging event where I met some great people - I even wrote a blog post about it, which you can read here, should you wish! I live several hours away from Bristol. So, when the […]


February 3, 2015

You can Achieve Anything you put Your Mind to!

Last Thursday, I attended the second day of the Learning & Technologies Conference 2015 in London and, genuinely, it was the best HR/L&D conference I've been to. One of the highlights for me was the fantastic keynote presentation from scientist and TV presenter Professor Robert Winston. His talk focused on how our ability to learn, memorize and […]

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