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#MTtalk Blog Posts

June 9, 2020

Does Self-Talk Help or Hinder? – #MTtalk Roundup

When should you listen to your inner voice, and when does it just get in the way? Here's a collection of comments from our latest #MTtalk Twitter chat

May 12, 2020

Your Onboarding Lessons – #MTtalk Roundup

Here's what happened in our latest #MTtalk Twitter chat, about the secrets of successful onboarding – even during COVID-19

April 28, 2020

Being a Leader When You're Not in Charge – #MTtalk Roundup

It's Monday morning. Everything is silent, but for the snippets of birdsong that wander in through the open window. It feels weird, because even small towns like the one I live in have traffic on Friday afternoons and Monday mornings. But

April 14, 2020

Handling Pessimism – #MTtalk Roundup

Some people see the glass as half full. Others see it as half empty. And then there are people who don't worry about half full or half empty – they're worried about dropping the glass. I wonder if all families and offices have a pessimist in their midst?

March 31, 2020

In Isolation and Anxious? -- #MTtalk Roundup

"Other people complicate our lives, but without them life would be unbearably desolate. None of us can be truly human in isolation."


March 17, 2020

Who's Your Tribe? - #MTtalk Roundup

"Find your tribe!" The words were spray-painted across a huge banner at the entrance of the hotel. I was there only because we were attending a team building event of the company my husband worked for. I didn't realize that we were going to be part of a tribe too


March 3, 2020

How Do You Cope in an Emergency? – #MTtalk Roundup

How have you looked after yourself and others in emergency situations? And what have you learned in the process?

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February 18, 2020

Assertive, Aggressive or Arrogant? – #MTtalk Roundup

Can you be assertive without being seen as aggressive or arrogant? In this week's #MTtalk Twitter chat, we're going to discuss what the difference is and how to tell


February 4, 2020

How Much Can You Do in a Day? - #MTtalk Roundup

What do you include in your daily To-Do list and do you ever complete it? In this week's #MTtalk Twitter chat, we're asking how much can you get done in a day?

January 21, 2020

Managing Your Expectations – #MTtalk Roundup

Have your relationships ever suffered because of the expectations that you had of other people? Or maybe you made a premature move because of your career expectations and sabotaged your progress

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