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#MTtalk Blog Posts

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October 27, 2020

Has Your Career Gone Flat? – #MTtalk Roundup

In our latest Twitter chat, we talked about careers going flat – and how to get them flying again


October 13, 2020

Is Collaboration the New Cool? – #MTtalk Roundup

Is the emphasis on collaboration over competition just a passing fad? Or is it here to stay? See the best responses from our latest Twitter chat!


September 29, 2020

To-Do Lists and To-Don't Lists – #MTtalk Roundup

So you're great at listing the things you need to do. But how good are you at spotting the things that could hold you back

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September 17, 2020

Being Present in a Strange World – #MTtalk Roundup

When times are tough, some people try to be "present" – while others look for ways to escape


September 1, 2020

#MTtalk Roundup: Lost Your Career Overnight, What Now?

In our latest #MTtalk, we asked how you'd cope if your career was wiped out overnight. Read Yolande Conradie's review of our lively discussion

August 17, 2020

Attention and Focus – #MTtalk Roundup

I often recall as a child being told to "pay attention" or "just focus." Whether I was gazing dreamily out of a window or grappling with a confusing subject, I remember parents and teachers alike despairing at my inability to concentrate


August 4, 2020

Change and Opportunity in the World of Learning – #MTtalk Roundup

What is the future of learning and development? Yolande Conradie presents her roundup of our recent #MTtalk Twitter chat


July 21, 2020

Are We Too Quick to Criticize? – #MTtalk Roundup

When should you criticize someone or something – and what's the best way to do it? Here's advice from our Twitter followers, plus six questions to ask when you're considering getting critical


July 7, 2020

Your Biggest Challenge – #MTtalk Roundup

What's been your biggest challenge and how did you overcome it? We put this question to you in our latest Twitter talk, and here's a collection of our favorite responses

June 23, 2020

The Gratitude Habit — #MTtalk Roundup

If you had told me a year ago that I wouldn't see my husband for four months, I probably would have said, "You'll bury me. I won't make it."


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