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#MTtalk Blog Posts

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December 28, 2021

Favorite Tweets of the #MTtalk Year

Every two weeks, #MTtalk takes Mind Tools live with our global Twitter chat,

December 21, 2021

#MTtalk Roundup: Rescue and Recovery – Caring For Yourself and Others

"I used to be a rescuer until I rescued myself from that behavior. I learned that when I try to rescue someone, we often both lose something vital"


November 23, 2021

"I Am... " Words of Self-Declaration -- #MTtalk Roundup

My words of identity tell full and rich stories, all playing out against a backdrop of family, culture, tradition, rites, rituals, power, authority, and taken for granted beliefs and ideas

November 9, 2021

How Do You Run a Business? – #MTtalk Roundup

My grandpa was a wealthy man. He owned a successful transport business. His work ethic was beyond reproach. However, his inability to say "no" would eventually lead to his downfall


October 26, 2021

New Shoots From Old: Growth After Cuts and Setbacks – #MTtalk Roundup

Setbacks can be tough - but they're also opportunities for growth. See some of the best responses we had from our recent Twitter Chat on this topic.

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October 5, 2021

What's Your Superpower? - #MTtalk Roundup

Fortunately, we don't need to be Spiderman or Black Panther to have a superpower and make a difference in the world. In a way, your superpower is the ability to think creatively in your own special way


September 28, 2021

Hybrid Working: Your Fears and Solutions — #MTtalk Roundup

"Adopt a coaching mindset that seeks to develop and delegate, rather than supervise and control" – @MindfulLifeWork


September 15, 2021

Do It With Me, Not For Me! -- #MTtalk Roundup

When I saw how she beamed, I was doubly glad that I didn't act on my thought to do everything myself just because it would be faster. I would have done everything for her instead of doing everything with her, and the "doing with" is what made all the difference!

August 31, 2021

Being Intentional: The Power of Focusing Our Energy – #MTtalk Roundup

"Mindfulness should be taught from school to college level.." - Dr Arif Maghribi


August 17, 2021

Trust Breakers Vs. Trust Makers: Behaviors That Change Relationships – #MTtalk Roundup

"We judge ourselves on our intent and others on their actions." – Yolande Conradie


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