Mind Tools for Business has one aim: to build and foster learning cultures that inspire people to perform to their full potential – and more than 55,000 public sector learners use our toolkits to do just that.
In the wake, and continuing effect, of the COVID pandemic, people in greater numbers than ever are getting a new job or seriously thinking about it. Some are even giving up work entirely.
Asking a colleague for help on the software you're using. Dipping into online resources to build your soft skills. Or grabbing a coffee with your mentor.
Workplace learning takes many different forms. Let's explore some of them, discover the benefits they bring, and look at ways to drive learning in your organization.
When you love what you do, you don’t dread Mondays. You feel part of your team, easily slip into “the zone,” and know your work contributes to the good of the cause.
A few years ago, I interviewed a young woman for a position in our company. During the interview, I started to explain the opportunities for advancement. Before I had finished, she interrupted me to say, "The only job I want is yours!"