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May 16, 2019

Great Pretender – Are You Free to Be Yourself at Work?

Have you ever received the career advice: "just be yourself"? We’re often told to bring our "whole selves" to work, and to be authentic in order to achieve satisfaction, improve productivity, create diverse and inclusive workplaces, and feel happier. Yet most of us would probably admit to being "Great Pretenders" sometimes. I asked my colleagues […]


April 18, 2019

Making Time for Learning When There's No Time to Think!

Learning at work can be a serious struggle. If you're stretched to the limit, and struggling with all the stuff that's already in your head, how can you possibly learn anything new? In one organization I worked for, learning came to feel downright impossible! Maybe this rings a bell for you. Information was coming thick […]

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April 11, 2019

How Do You Take Pride at Work? – Your Top Tips!

What Does It Mean to Take Pride? Taking pride can mean different things to different people. For some, it's that feeling of satisfaction you get when a particular task's been achieved. For others, it's an ongoing commitment to high professional standards, even if the end products aren't always perfect. Pride can be based on definitive […]

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March 19, 2019

What Balance Means to You – #MTtalk Roundup

It's All About Balance How often do we say, "But it's all about balance, isn't it?" or "We just need to get the balance right"? When raising children, parents need to strike a balance between being too strict and not being strict enough. And because children don't come with a manual, parents often learn the […]

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March 8, 2019

How Women Rise at Work and What's Holding You Back

Before you click away – because you're not a woman, or because you are and you don't like to be stereotyped – give me a chance to convince you that it's worth your while reading on. Actually, I'll let Sally Helgesen do it, because these ideas come from her book, "How Women Rise: Break the […]

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February 21, 2019

Are You Afraid of Missing Out? Replace FOMO With JOMO and Rediscover Your Inner Peace

Missing the high life, fun and friends? Could you beat isolation with JOMO, the joy of missing out?


February 7, 2019

Do You Dare to Have Tough Conversations?

The person is standing right in front of you. The words are in your throat, but they won’t come out. “It might make things worse.” “What if I say the wrong thing?” “I might shoot myself in the foot.” Then, once again, the moment is gone. Your chance to have a tough conversation has passed. […]

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January 17, 2019

To Delegate, Or Not to Delegate? Your Top Tips!

Knowing how to delegate effectively is one of the most powerful strings to a manager's bow, so why do we struggle with it so much? We know that delegation gives us more time to focus on other, perhaps more important tasks. We know that it helps others to develop new skills and to enjoy more […]

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October 18, 2018

7 Ways to Keep Going When You Want to Give Up

Even the smallest efforts to get going create momentum. It might be hard at the beginning, but you know what they say about getting balls rolling, and hard work paying off.


August 16, 2018

How Mindfulness Leads to Emotional Intelligence

If you hear that a new team member or manager is "emotionally intelligent," you’ll probably nod gratefully. You'll understand that he or she will likely listen to you, try to see things from your point of view, and resist jumping to conclusions. Before 1995, though, you may have wondered what on earth that phrase meant. […]

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