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Empowerment Blog Posts

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November 2, 2023

Dyslexia at Work: How I Learned to Live With My Dyslexia

How can organizations help dyslexic employees? Jaye O'Farrell-Stevens shares his journey with dyslexia – and gives his tips on how to help.

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October 3, 2023

My Experience Working Through Menopause

After turning 50, Sales Manager Katie Danes vowed to challenge the silence around menopause. She shares her experience in this blog

August 10, 2023

Triggers: How to Stop Rising to the Bait

"He’d also just talk over people, including me. And my reaction was not me at my best. I just sat there in a passive-aggressive huff. " - Simon Bell

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June 27, 2023

"Who am I? I don't know: let's find out!" – Mark Manson's Law of Avoidance

What does identity have to do with resilience? We look at Mark Manson's Law of Avoidance and find out how it can change your approach to resilience.

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June 19, 2023

Taking Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs Into Consideration at Work 

Have you ever tried to concentrate on a mentally taxing task when your belly is empty and sending you urgent signals to, "Please eat now!"? I know that happened a lot to me when I was young, and followed an endless series of diets. Food is one of our most basic needs – along with […]

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June 15, 2023

Time to Focus on Our Dangerous Lack of Focus

"Stolen Focus" is a wake-up call. It deserves our attention – if we can spare it!

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May 23, 2023

Self-Confidence: You Are What You Think You Are

It's natural to have a moment of doubt when you take that great leap into the unknown: a feeling new managers know all too well.

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April 17, 2023

Communities Lost and Found – #MTtalk Roundup

"The main value I cherish is a feeling of belonging, closely followed by a sense of purpose. I also need to feel I add value and receive value, not necessarily in equal measure but it's important." - Sarah Harvey


March 7, 2023

Be Your Own Coach – #MTtalk Roundup

"The act of being your own coach begins with positive self-talk! The day you start learning from your mistakes, you will become your own coach!" - @SaifuRizvi


March 2, 2023

"I'm Not More or Less: I Just Am" – Emily Ladau on Disability

"Systemic ableism is shutting people out because we're not actively thinking." Allies can change that, person by person, moment by moment.

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