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Communication Blog Posts

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April 27, 2023

"If you trust your employees..." Liam Martin on Asynchronous Work

"If you trust your employees enough to have access to all of that information then you actually start to see some really magical things occur."

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March 2, 2023

"I'm Not More or Less: I Just Am" – Emily Ladau on Disability

"Systemic ableism is shutting people out because we're not actively thinking." Allies can change that, person by person, moment by moment.

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February 23, 2023

Swearing at Work 🤬: Is it Ever OK?

Swearing is not necessarily bad per se, it’s about context and culture. As one U.K.-based HR manager told me, "It's an interesting one, and every workplace and person will be different."

September 21, 2022

What Makes a Great Coach? – 5 Essential Qualities

"A conversation can be subtly steered so that someone will come to a conclusion and make a decision themselves. And this is the ultimate catalyst for change." - Joe Morris

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August 17, 2022

Is Your Organization Ready for the Metaverse?

Based on our own experiments, and advice from experts, here are five tips from Mind Tools for making your way into the metaverse

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July 25, 2022

Managing Presentation Nerves – Your Top Tips!

Check out our brand new video with Mind Tools' Content Editor/Writer, Jonathan Hancock, who shares his handy hints for putting on a great presentation – in spite of any nerves


June 23, 2022

Talking About Performance - My Expert Interview With Anna Wildman

Performance conversations are often awkward and sometimes demoralizing. Here's how you can change things for the better using the CEDAR Model

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June 9, 2022

Being Shy – and Still Connecting

"The presence of shyness shows that we're connected." –Melanie Bell


June 7, 2022

Exaggeration: Lying or Not? – #MTtalk Roundup

"Exaggeration? I don't mind some theatrics, but I do mind if people use it to manipulate." - Zala Bricelj


April 14, 2022

Can Your Body Language Make You More Powerful?

"The study also suggests that persistently practicing these power poses can, over time, improve our health and wellbeing" - Lucy Bishop

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