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Career Skills Blog Posts

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November 16, 2023

Digging Into Conflict: How to "Play Nice" at Work

"It leads to what the author calls “assertive play” – not brick-on-skull assertive, but self-confident engagement, where people know they have things to contribute, and stake their claim."- Jonathan Hancock

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October 11, 2023

Accepting Praise – How to Own Your Achievements

There's a lot of advice on giving praise, but how can we accept it gracefully? Mind Tools' Assistant Content Editor, Alice Gledhill, explores why accepting praise can be so difficult.

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September 28, 2023

How to Find a Right-Fit Job: My Expert Interview With André Martin 

For a long-lasting, fulfilling experience at work, it pays to think carefully before applying for a job.


July 3, 2023

Deadlines and Promises – a Mind Tools Coaches' Blog

"I'd overcommitted myself – only to find I couldn’t possibly deliver on everything I’d promised. I had no choice but to communicate the issue in the best way I could."


June 19, 2023

Taking Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs Into Consideration at Work 

Have you ever tried to concentrate on a mentally taxing task when your belly is empty and sending you urgent signals to, "Please eat now!"? I know that happened a lot to me when I was young, and followed an endless series of diets. Food is one of our most basic needs – along with […]

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June 5, 2023

Your Career Journey Part 3: Getting a New Job

This is the third of a three-part series called Your Career. Recap on Part One (Resume Prep & Job Search), here; and Part 2 (Interviewing), here.  Getting a new job can be exciting, confidence-building and a little bit nerve-wracking. It means you performed well at your interview and showed your potential new employer that you […]


May 22, 2023

Your Career Journey Part 2: Job Interviews

In Part Two of our Career Journey series, our coaches share their top tips to help you prepare for an interview.


May 17, 2023

Learning at Work Week – Tips For Workplace Learning

This week is learning at work week. See how you can make time for learning in the workplace.


May 8, 2023

Your Career Journey Part 1: Résumé Prep and Job Searches

Who doesn't enjoy a good sequel, trilogy or series?  I do because I like watching a story evolve and unfold in, often, surprising ways! Managing your career can feel like a similar journey. In fact, the career journey you take develops over time, as you learn and grow. That's why I suggested this series of […]


April 5, 2023

How to Master Life Transitions 

Bruna Martinuzzi reflects on how a car accident changed her life. But huge lie changes are not anomalies – in fact, we all go through a "life transition" almost once a year.

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