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March 12, 2020

Big Data: Does Size Matter?

People spook easily when it comes to Big Data. I know I do. Privacy is important, after all

February 19, 2020

Data Bias in a World Designed for Men – My Reaction to “Invisible Women”

Invisible Women author Caroline Criado Perez deftly pulls back the curtain to reveal the harm that gender data bias can cause. But the book lacks balance

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February 13, 2020

Starting a New Job - How to Thrive in Your New Role

Moving to a new role is usually a cause for celebration. You may feel sad about leaving the comfort and safety of the familiar, and maybe a little scared. But new opportunities can be exciting and full of promise. That's certainly how I felt when I landed the job of editor-in-chief of a national English-language […]

January 16, 2020

Faster, Fewer, Better Emails: Manage the Volume, Reduce the Stress, Love the Results

The other day, I was setting up a meeting with an associate, to be held at her place of work. We'd never met and had always communicated by email. It should have been a simple exchange

December 12, 2019

If You Can Solve These Puzzles, You'll Have a Head Start at Work!

Puzzles get you thinking and learning in new ways. They force you to challenge the idea that there's only one way of doing things

November 14, 2019

Give and Take: How Helping Others Drives Our Own Success

Adam Grant explains how givers play an essential role in building networks, encouraging collaboration, and nurturing talent

October 10, 2019

Good Charts: Using "Dataviz" for Better Presentations

It's perfectly possible to produce bad charts despite knowing your subject backward, as my former company's consultants showed me.

September 12, 2019

Diversity of Thought Matters, Too

The more repertoires you can draw on to make decisions or solve problems, the more options emerge. And the better the outcomes will be. Cognitive diversity = bonus.

August 15, 2019

The Power of Appreciation

My line manager came into my office last week to thank me. Just one sentence: "Thank you, Valerie, for the wonderful work you do." I broke into a broad smile, full of pride. In that moment, I'm sure I stood a few inches taller! A week after my boss voiced her appreciation, I'm still feeling the benefits. My motivation has soared, I'm more willing to be creative, even if it means the occasional failure, and I'm more […]

July 11, 2019

Acting With Authenticity: Our Book Insight on "Brave Leadership"

Having built a coaching, writing and speaking career on being open, real and vulnerable, I really enjoyed the focus on authenticity in “Brave Leadership,” the new book by Kimberly Davis. Embracing My Vulnerability In my first career as a foreign correspondent and political journalist, I wrote about others but never revealed anything of myself. That […]


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