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August 18, 2014

Build Relationships for Greater Success

Rachel Salaman

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Keith-Ferrazzi_200x250Does the idea of networking strike fear into your heart?

Standing around making small talk with strangers – all with their own agendas – doesn’t sound very appealing, does it?

But according to bestselling author Keith Ferrazzi, putting effort into making new connections pays off – provided you have the right mindset.

In his book, “Never Eat Alone,” Ferrazzi explains why ‘building relationships’ is a better term than ‘networking,’ because it puts the emphasis where it matters: on each individual relationship.

In our Expert Interview, he spells out how to build and maintain a strong network of people with whom you have a real connection.

How big a network? Well, that all depends on your goals. Listen to this audio clip to find out more.

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Listen to the full interview to hear more of Ferrazzi’s advice, and to find out how he has updated his classic career success manual for the digital age.

Question: How do you build and maintain your business networks? Join the discussion below!

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One comment on “Build Relationships for Greater Success”

  1. Keith says during the interview " It's so crucial to recognize that we have to work hard with whatever gifts or acumen you have." It's something I like using when training / facilitating: work with what you have, not with what you don't have.
    His story also shows that you don't have to be born into the 'right' family or community to make it in life. It's about your personal resolve to be an achiever - whatever achievement means for you.
    Would love to hear more thoughts from other readers!

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